A Word From Our President
Welcome to Teleo University. We are a global distance education institution committed to equipping pastors and church leaders with world-class practical ministry training without leaving their churches and networks of ministry relationships.
Teleo is a Koine Greek word that means 1) to bring to a close, to finish; or 2) complete or fulfill a command. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul used Teleo in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race.” Again, in John 19:30 as Jesus died on the cross for our salvation, He said, “It is finished.”
Teleo captures our passion for finishing the Great Commission by being and making disciples of all nations. Join us on this great adventure.
David D Durey, BA, MDiv, DMin

Finish Project Zero

In Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28, Jesus told his followers that they would be His witnesses in their cities, their countries, and throughout the whole world until the Great Commission was finished. Finishing the Great Commission in every country of the world so that no nation is unreached is what we call PROJECT ZERO because the mandate of “all nations” or “all ethnos” ends at ZERO. Teleo University supports this global initiative by providing affordable, accessible, accredited degrees to pastors and ministry leaders who are seeking to finish the Great Commission through multiplying disciple makers and initiating saturation church planting.
Because the Mandate Ends at Zero
Notice of Nondiscrimination Policy: Teleo University, in its employment, educational, and admissions policies, does not discriminate by race, color, gender, nationality, age, disability, or ethnic origin.